Empowering HOPE in the lives of the people in the Heart of Lubbock Neighborhood
Common Table
We believe community starts around a shared meal. Join us every Sunday evening for your own slice of family
Elevate HOPE
Our free afterschool program serves several families in the local neighborhood
Hope Clothes Closet
We provide clothing for everyday life, for school, even for interviews, free of charge
Come check us out!
Community comes in all shapes and sizes, takes all types, and truly thrives in diversity. When you visit HOPE Community, you are not only being offered a sense of family, you are sharing and strengthening it with us. Come check us out today and join us on the journey!
Recent News
Subscribe below to stay up to date on everything going on here at HOPE Community Lubbock
The Heart of Hope
- Love for God, self, and neighbor
- Systemic and sustainable change
- Healing, harmony, and wholeness
- Asset-based community development
- Organizing for direct action
- Multi-cultural, generational, and denominational collaboration
Our Team


Mrs. Sisemore
Director of After School Program

Executive Administrator
Reach Us
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2005 Avenue T,
Lubbock, TX 79411